Sunday, December 23, 2012

To the Moon and Back

*note - I do not own the book Princess Academy or any of the characters. I do, however, own my own writings so please request permission before using anything! Thanks for reading!

Miri and Peder walked slowly down the steep rocky path that led to the minister's house, savoring each others presence and holding off the impending goodbye for as long as possible. Miri could hear laughter and chatter echoing from her friends far ahead on the trail, but the couple had been silent this far. There was to much to say, and to few words to say it in.
The following morning royal carriages would set out from the stone house, bringing the girls to the marriage of Brita and her prince. Although Miri was thrilled for her friend, she couldn't help her thoughts from traveling to a date over a month later.
"Wish I could go with you" Peder said, seeming to sense her thoughts.
"Me too. But you're needed in the quarry." The rational part of her brain knew it was true, but her heart was still searching for a way that he could come.
"The quarry, yes. And I'm also needed to finish the little house behind your father's."  He said with a rather boyish grin. She returned his smile a little wistfully.
Miri savored this moment, knowing it would be their last one together for nearly four weeks. She loved the way he stood between her and the ledge, sheltering her from the world beyond Mount Eskel. She loved the way her fingers fit between his, the way his shoulder brushed her own when the path became narrower, the way the wind teased at the lock of tawny hair that fell over his forehead. She would miss this.
The path was becoming gradually more level, indicating that the cottage wasn't too far off. Anything they wanted to say should be said soon.
Peder seemed to notice this as well, saying only a moment later
"Miri, I don't know just how to say good bye except to say this - every time you think of me, put your hand over your heart. No matter how far I am, you can always be sure that mine is beating right along with yours. Constantly hammering 'Miri, Miri, Miri, And when you get lonely, just look up at the sky. I'll be looking at it too. Watching the sun rise and set, the moon come and go. Counting the hours until I see you again."
Miri didn't notice the single tear trickling down her cheek, she was to busy memorizing every feature of his face. The blue-gray eyes, strong nose, lopsided mouth, smattering of freckles. Everything that made him her Peder.
By the time he finished they had reached the final bend before the building rose before them. Peder stopped her, threading their other hands together. Miri knew she needed to speak, would regret it later if she didn't, but the words weren't coming. As she tried to find the right thing to say, Peder's voice broke through her thoughts.
"It seems long now, but it'll be over before you know it. And then, we'll have forever."
The hope and joy were strong in his voice, even as it broke over the last word. Miri smiled through the now steady tears, and stood on her toes to place a kiss on her fiance's lips.  her hands came up to cradle his face, while Peder's wrapped around her slim waist.
Perhaps she didn't need words, perhaps this was enough. She was sure that it was.
As their kiss ended his strong arms pulled her into a strong hug.
"I'm going to miss you so much." He muttered into her hair. She nodded against his chest.
As the grip around her loosened, she kept her eyes shut, not wanting to see him go. Something light and soft was dropped into her hand and another kiss was pressed into her hair. She heard footsteps retreating at a quick jog back up the path, then stop suddenly just behind the next bend. She knew he was waiting, so she opened her eyes and quickly knelt to the ground.
"I love you" She whispered in quarry, speech. Imagining her words threading down to the mountains core, then back up with renewed vigor to Peder.
A heartbeat later she felt his reply.
"I love you too. To the moon and back"
Miri remained on the stone for
several more minutes, listening to his footsteps fade into the distance. She looked down at the red velvet pouch he had placed in her hand and carefully untied the silk cord. she smiled, recognizing it as the secret Brita had sloped into Peder's  hand before she left 3 months before. She let the treasure slide into her hand.
"Put your hand over your heart, mine is beating with it." The words played over in her head as she stroked the heart shaped trinket.
The pendent was made of a scrap of Linder, pure white on the outside with small carvings reaching through to the silver veins within. Looking closer she saw that the carvings we're of a sun and moon.
The bauble hung from a thin silver chain, matching the ring he had placed on her left hand 2 months before.
A small smile played on her lips as she stood to her feet and walked the rest of the way to the minister's house. Somehow she would get through this month, she just knew it. And soon she would be home. Home to Marda, and to Pa, and to Peder.
She fingered the heart strung around her neck as she scampered up the steps and into the front hall already filled with girls.